Just One Thing
A weekly discussion of small behaviors you can embrace to 1. Enhance your relationships, 2. Improve your heath, 3. Manage your stress, and 4. Just be happier. Your hosts Brad and Lisa Stearns have decades of experience working with folks like you to dramatically improve their lives with step-by-step changes.
137 episodes
Conversational Threading
Good communication is at the heart of good relationships and, ultimately, happiness. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how to employ conversational threading to dramatically improve your communication and attain greater closeness with family and...
Season 6
Episode 3

To Be Happier, Be More Generous
Recent studies have shown that increased generosity leads to increased happiness. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to go about being a bit more generous and explore things to watch out for, when doing so.Discover the u...
Season 6
Episode 2

Be More Vulnerable
Being vulnerable is scary and being purposely vulnerable takes practice and awareness. This week, Lisa and Brad explore the advantages that vulnerability can have on your relationships and overall well being.When the walls come ...
Season 6
Episode 1

You Are Always Enough
Many times, our efforts just don't match up to our own expectations, or those of our friends and family. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to accept that "you are always enough," even when it may not seem so. Fe...
Season 5
Episode 15

Having Deeper Conversations
Studies have shown that the true secret to lifetime happiness is the quality of your connections. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how having deeper conversations can enhance the quality of your connections.Have you ever f...
Season 5
Episode 14

Transitions Are Hard
Major life transitions are frequent and usually difficult. This week, Lisa and Brad explore life transitions and discuss ways to more effectively navigate them, maintaining more equanimity and acceptance. As we traverse the eve...
Season 5
Episode 13

Smart Choices Taste Like Broccoli
Smart choices are usually hard choices, think going to the gym instead of Netflix or broccoli instead of cake. This week, Lisa and Brad explore why our best choices are usually somewhat unpleasant and how to overcome this dilemma , at least som...
Season 5
Episode 12

Improve Your Morning Routine
Having a solid morning routine can greatly improve your life. This week, Lisa and Brad explore how to construct a morning routine that will make a positive difference.When I was grappling with the darkest period of my ...
Season 5
Episode 11

Dealing With Rumination
Rumination can be very difficult to deal with and can negatively impact your day to day happiness. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to recognize rumination and how to better cope with it, when it appears. Ever...
Season 5
Episode 10

Don't Keep Score
It's human nature to want to keep score and, at the same time, doing so is almost certainly damaging your relationships. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss how to recognize when you're keeping score, how to break the habit , and build bette...
Season 5
Episode 9

The Power Of Your Breath
Improper breathing can actually cause poor health and magnify anxiety. This week, Lisa and Brad explore what a healthy breath feels like and how learning to breath correctly can be your first step on the path to health, happiness, and mor...
Season 5
Episode 8

You Don't Have To Be Right
The need always be right has a negative impact on all of your relationships. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss this incessant need to be right, exploring why it is so harmful and examining ways, with awareness and practice, it can be...
Season 5
Episode 7

Not Everyone Shares Your Talents
Everyone has a different set of talents and recognizing that fact can go a long way in improving your relationships. This week, Lisa and Brad explore exactly what talents are, and provide examples that you can use to understand why unrecognized...
Season 5
Episode 7

Get Your Mom's Voice Out of Your Head
For better or worse, your parents establish social and relationship expectations that become a long list of "should do's" in your subconscious. This week, Lisa and Brad explore this "voice in your head" and discuss the ways you can...
Season 5
Episode 6

Take a Mindful Staycation
A mindful staycation is the perfect solution for dealing with burnout and stress. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss the benefits of a mindful staycation and present several activities that can make it both healing and enjoyable.Are...
Season 5
Episode 5

Stress and Day-To-Day Forgiveness
What seem to be negative encounters are unavoidable, as we go about our daily business, and each will elicit an almost uncontrollable stress response. This week, Lisa and Brad explore these constant social stressors and discuss a few tec...
Season 5
Episode 4

The Illusion of Control
All humans crave control in their lives, especially in volatile times. This week, Lisa and Brad explore just how little control we really have and discuss strategies for dealing with this uncertainty. Ever wondere...
Season 5
Episode 3

My Mind Won't Stop Racing
There are times when your mind just won't stop racing. This week, Lisa and Brad explore this unpleasant experience and describe techniques you can use to alleviate your distress.Ever wake up at the bewitching hour of 4 or 5 in the...
Season 5
Episode 2

Dealing With Setbacks
Facing setbacks is inevitable, and learning how to deal with them is a major factor in your overall level of happiness and life satisfaction. This week, Lisa and Brad discuss a 3 step process for dealing with setbacks, whether big or smal...
Season 5
Episode 1

A Great Relationship Sounds Like This
Good, healthy relationships are filled with positive comments and supportive dialogue, This week, Lisa and Brad explore the many phrases and conversations that give a great relationship a specific sound.
Season 4
Episode 20

Exploring Alternative Medicine, Part 2
This week, Lisa and Brad continue the discussion of alternative medicine and take a deeper dive into some of the modalities that they have found useful.
Season 4
Episode 19

Exploring Alternative Medicine
There are many valid healing modalities within the overall sphere of alternative medicine. This week, Lisa and Brad talk about their own experiences within the realm of alternative medicine, focusing on acupuncture, trigger point therapy,...
Season 4
Episode 18

Too Much Noise, Too Little Silence
Noise can be a powerful source of stress and silence can be an extremely healing experience. This week, Lisa and Brad explore the many ways that too much noise and too little silence can effect your life and your overall well being.
Season 4
Episode 17